Life's Too Short Not To Live Your Best Life
- Do you ever wonder if there's more to life than this?
- Do you have a sense you've lost your motivation and clarity of direction?
- Do you yearn for a life of ease, peace and harmony?
I've experienced a life that appeared to be successful from an outsider's perspective, and yet, I felt frustrated, lost, unfulfilled. For years, I ignored the sensations that I wanted more than my conventional life was offering me. The illusion of predictability, stability and financial security were holding me back from standing strong for what I believed in, for expressing my individuality in the cultures I worked in, and as such, I lost myself and my authentic voice. I simply lacked the skills and capabilities to navigate the political challenges, the inequalities and the micro-aggressions I experienced and witnessed. This led to lacking motivation, dis-empowering beliefs around the positive impact I could make, and long term ill-health which eventually led to burnout.
That was until I decided to push myself out of my comfort zone and became an explorer. I started investing in my personal development, visiting expos and conferences, finding a community who supported me in changing my perception of myself and my capacity to really matter.
My personal development journey led to many moments of transformation, each energising me more and more to develop the skills, the mindset and the attitude to create a life that was more congruent to my core values. It was only then, that I got my motivation and vigour for life back and my ailments disappeared one after another! A decade later, I've created a comprehensive 12 month programme that has helped countless professionals like you get their life back on track and live happier, more connected, more meaningful lives.
What is more, I've been invited to deliver aspects of this programme on projects that have been sponsored by NHSE recently and the unanimous feedback has been immensely positive. With one participant sharing that "there have been lots of big changes for her personally and professionally in the last year." At work, she has recruited and developed a team to improve the quality of service delivery. She puts this down to enhanced communication skills and a sense of greater confidence in her own ability and self-worth. Her manager commented "she was unrecognisable in terms of confidence since before taking part in the project."
Another participant shared that finding his purpose was invigorating. "I had started to feel less motivated at work and understanding my purpose helped me reframe my role and focus on what energised me, making me more effective at work" he said.
So what now? I'm offering you the unique opportunity of developing your skills and capabilities to transform your life for the better and also, to become agents of change for the people and communities you're invested in.

When you join this 12 months programme, you will begin the journey of:
- Enhancing your self awareness & awareness of others
- Exploring your personal beliefs and unconscious biases
- Finding your identity; your authentic power
- Getting to know your bigger why; your purpose
- Living your true self; free of shame, blame and judgment
Programme structure:
- One Saturday a month for 12 months
- One mid-point virtual group catch up
- Start date: April 12th 2025
- Small, intimate group size; no more than 6 per group
- Live, in person meetings for higher impact
- Venue: Worting House, Basingstoke, Hampshire
- Timing: 9:30am - 4:30pm

What Do Clients Say About Attending This Programme?
- I discovered an overall feeling of greater confidence and empowerment, to allow polite challenge, the ability to speak out and have a voice to contribute on a local, regional and national scale. Clinical Lead Radiographer
- The workshops have created a belief in myself that I can do and achieve whatever I set my mind to. After the first two sessions I felt happier and more confident in myself, really beginning to notice positive changes in all aspects of my life. Even my manager said I was unrecognisable in terms of my confidence since attending these workshops! Clinical Governance Lead Radiographer
- I have been more conscious and intentional about what I say and do; especially aware of how articulating empowering as opposed to limiting beliefs impact the decisions I make. The results have been life-changing! MRI Superintendent
- I've adopted a more positive approach to life and a greater appreciation of challenges which would not have been the case previously. I have found myself taking time out to appreciate life and the beauty around me. My interpersonal relationships have improved so much. Senior Quality Improvement Advisor
- These workshops have made such a difference in my life. I've been exercising stress management techniques under recent challenging circumstances to maintain my balance and avoid feelings of overwhelm. Also, having found my values and my purpose, I feel motivated and energised to stay engaged and reach for my goals. Senior Modality Lead

Why should you choose to work with me when there are many more coaches and courses to choose from?
- Because I passionately believe in creating an environment of learning through experience... Real, in the moment and sustainable transformation happens when you're immersed in an environment of experiencing new insights through seeing, hearing, feeling, doing and being...
- Because I passionately believe in helping amazing people like you, step outside the boxes you've been led to believe you belong in...
- Because I passionately believe in the immense, innate and the hidden power and wisdom you have inside of you and I can't wait to help you dig deep to find them and live from your highest potential... Why is this important? Because life is made easy when you know who you are and when you stand for what you believe in.
My credentials:
- Diploma in Life and business coaching
- Qualifications in Master NLP Practitioner
- Qualifications in Somatic coaching
- BsC in Diagnostic Radiography
- PgC in Clinical MRI Reporting.
- Find out more about me here, and by contacting me on 07867 555564