“If you can dream it, you can do it.” Walt Disney
I Found this beautiful stone amongst hundreds laid out on my walk today and I thought of the e-mail I received from a client recently.
“Thank you for helping me give myself permission to dream again” he wrote.
The email gave me a warm fuzzy feeling on one level! It reiterated the reasons I love doing what I do.
It also saddened me… At exactly what point in our life, do we remove the permission for ourselves to dream?
Have you ever considered how much of a more free and fulfilled life you would lead if you believed in your dreams and took steps towards fulfilling them?
What sort of a message are you sending your children when you tolerate a mediocre existence and regularly sacrifice on who you want to be and how you’d like to live?
Yes; trust me… they know how you show up! They’re more perceptive than you give them credit for!
Please remember, you’re never too old to dream new dreams…
Just imagine… What would it mean to you to live the life of your dreams?
Call me if you like my style, and if not, there are plenty more coaches out there whom you may like better.
But please invest time in yourself and pursue your dreams. Because when you do, it’s a different kinda life you’ll be leading. You only get one life and it so deserves to be lived well 

Love and strong coffee
Vafa x