The importance of state management

The importance of state management

The importance of state management
‘State management’ is one of the first techniques I teach my clients, both the children and the adults I work with. It’s probably amongst one of the most impactful tools they take away with them.
The state you adopt and operate out of is very much governed by the thoughts you cultivate, pictures you see and the stimuli you encounter. And of course, the way you:
🔎 perceive these events,
🔎 interpret these events,
🔎 and respond to them.
In effect, your state is mostly governed by the ‘stories’ you tell yourself. What’s more, there’s often more than one way of narrating that story.
What my clients find impactful is the fact that the first ‘story’ doesn’t always reflect the whole truth. It’s just a ‘first draft’ which is the way you’re interpreting the events based on years of conditioning and unconscious programming. It’s highly likely there’s a different version of what they currently ‘believe’ to be the truth.

But wait… I have great news?!

Old beliefs, habits of thinking and being are learnt, not innate! They can be replaced by more resourceful beliefs, habits and ways of being when you choose to be intentional in the results you’d prefer…
when you choose to:
✨ live a more connected life;
✨ a more peaceful life;
✨ a life where you respectfully and responsibly impact and influence your loved ones
✨ a life of less conflict and angst;
✨ a less reactive and volatile life.
So, next time you’re caught up in the cycle of overwhelm or chaos, ask yourself:
📚What’s the story I’m telling myself?
📚How else can I narrate this story?
Let’s connect when you’re ready for a life which is less reactive and more intentional.
You only get one life. You so deserve to get the life you wish for.
Love & Strong Coffee


Let life live through you Leeds Castle

Let life live through you

Let life live through you
“Try not to resist the changes that come your way. Instead, let life live through you. And do not worry that your life is turning upside down. How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come?” Rumi
Visiting Leeds Castle, aka ‘the loveliest castle in the world’ brought into my attention the amount of change this beautiful castle has endured in the last 900 years! And it’s still standing tall and proud.
It made me wonder… What needs to happen for more people to accept the wind of change?
We evolve as we journey through life. Our circumstances change. Our goals change. What served us in our 20s and 30s won’t necessarily serve us in our mid to late life.
And oftentimes, we find our true calling, our true direction as the wind of change sweeps through our lives.  
We have two options when that happens! To play the victim and ask ‘why me? Why is this happening to me?’ OR to remain flexible and curious and ask ‘what can I learn from this and how can I find a new direction?’  In reality, how often do you let life live through you?
That’s when working with a coach will help you generate new, positive and future focused solutions.
If you’re curious to explore working with a coach, drop me a message.
You have all the necessary ingredients inside of you to live a fulfilled life. You only get one life! It’s your birthright to get the life you wish for.
Happy Saturday everyone 🌻🌞🌻
Love & Strong Coffee