Stay True To Yourself, values, core values, life coach, Basingstoke, Vafa Taleban, vip seminar

Stay True To Yourself

Stay True To Yourself

“There are some values that you should never compromise on to stay true to yourself; you should be brave to stand up for what you truly believe in, even if you stand alone.”
Roy T. Bennett


A conversation I had yesterday morning with mini me over breakfast about staying true to yourself prompted me to think back to one of the most instrumental a-ha monuments in my life.

Three years ago yesterday, I was driving back from college, reflecting back on the feedback I’d received from my peers.

After a few co-coaching sessions over the entire weekend, the feedback from the said peers was unanimous! I knew very clearly what my values were.

“But doesn’t EVERYONE know what their values are?” I asked as we came together as a group 

Later that evening, I’m in the car driving back after a weekend of new learnings and insights and suddenly… Ping! I sense a penny drop moment!

“That’s the reason I dislike work so much! I’m ‘having to’ operate outside of my core values EVERY single day!” I said to myself.

And I realised at that moment that my life choices, although thought of and indeed encouraged as ‘normal’ by our society, had been hindering my happiness, fulfilment, growth.

The clarity I gained on the drive home that night was a major catalyst for change.

Perhaps, that’s the reason core values and the benefit of knowing what yours are, are a major discussion point at the ‘VIP’ seminars.

Knowing your core values will prompt you to invest in your self-care and live a life of ease and harmony because the choices you make provide you with clarity of direction.

✨When you live your life according to your core values, you live your truth. You’re unapologetic about showing up as you are and making a stand for what matters to you.

❓Are you living according to your core values?
❓Do you even know what they are?
❓How do you sense your life changing for the better when you begin to live life congruently to your core values?

🌱Curious to explore your core values? Drop me a message 👇🏼


Love & strong coffee

Vafa Taleban VIP Seminar Values Identity Purpose Personal Revolution authenticity

The Power Of Regret

The Power Of Regret
What’s your relationship with the word ‘regret’?
I’ve been enjoying reading and reflecting on Dan Pink’s new book ‘The Power of Regret’ in the last week.  The title had me intrigued and as I’d enjoyed books by Dan Pink previously, I delved in whilst wondering if I would put the words ‘power’ and ‘regret’ in the same sentence…
Don’t get me wrong!  There are PLENTY of ‘things’ I would have loved to do differently, (notice how I can’t bring myself to use the ‘R’ word) but hindsight is… well exactly that!  Hindsight!
And although I look back often, I don’t view my mistakes as regrets, but instead, look at them in terms of lessons learned.
I suspect it’s because the word ‘regret’ has always held a negative connotation for me. ‘My story’ is that without having made ‘those’ mistakes, I wouldn’t be who I am and neither would I be here, and I clearly love being ‘here’, having created my current reality that was once a dream!
Dan put ‘regrets’ in four different categories, one of which is ‘boldness’ regrets.  He writes, boldness regrets are often about exploration.  According to the responses he had to the surveys he conducted, some of the most significant explorations are ‘inward’.
He asserts furthermore, that AUTHENTICITY requires BOLDNESS and when authenticity is supported, so is GROWTH.
The most telling demonstration of this point came from several dozen people from all over the world who described their regret, their failure to be bold, with the same five words…


I found it most interesting to read that people who asserted their identity, rarely regretted it EVEN when those identities went counter to the dominant culture! People who suppressed their identity talked about denying themselves of the potential to live fully…
This body of work is so close to my heart and a huge part of the work I do with individuals and seminar participants.
Raising your awareness of your values and identity creates the desire to live a more authentic life where you are motivated to create a new forward direction in reaching your outcomes.  This is a point that’s raised by almost every participant to my ‘VIP’ Seminar.
Without motivation and clarity of direction, one is likely to go round and round the same circle, ‘wishing’ life was different instead of ‘knowing’ what the next steps are.  Does that resonate with you?
One big takeaway from this book was that…


Reading this book has changed my relationship with the word regret.  It’s also reiterated the power of having the boldness, the courage to stand for who we are and what we love doing and perusing it unapologetically. EVEN when it’s counter to the dominant culture and environment we exist within.  Afterall, we’re more likely to regret the actions we didn’t take, than the ones we did!
If you would like to explore your values, your Identity and your Purpose so you live a more fulfilled life, get in touch with me. The next VIP seminar is on Saturday, April 2nd and it’s almost at full capacity.
Let’s connect when you’re ready to step into your authenticity. 
You only get one life. You so deserve to get the life you wish for.
Love & Strong Coffee


Vafa Taleban, Personal development, VIP Seminar

What’s The Fuss About Personal Development?

What’s The Fuss About Personal Development?
RIP Bob Proctor, the author of ‘You Were Born Rich’
You may have wondered what the fuss about personal development is at some point or another, especially if it’s not something you’re inclined to invest in.  
As a lover of personal development, I was saddened to read about the passing of this legend and thought I’d give a brief account of his journey with the intention of inspiring those who may be intrigued about personal development.
One of the attendees to my last Saturday’s ’VIP’ seminar who is new to personal development commented at the end of the day ‘I now know what the fuss is about”. But that’s a story for another time…
Bob Proctor is one of the best known personal development ‘gurus’ and content creators of our time.  Growing up, Proctor had a poor self-image and was a college drop out with no great future ambitions.

And then…

He met someone who introduced him to Napoleon Hill’s ‘Think And Grow Rich’. This was reported to be the first book he ever read! As first books go, he couldn’t have read a better one, as most of the personal development lovers would acknowledge!
And from there on, his life took a turn for the better and he went on to accomplish what might have seemed like an unachievable dream to an ordinary person. To many, he became extraordinary.
He wrote a New York Times best-selling book, became an influencer and contributed to the film ‘The Secret’. He believed that a positive self-image & programming was critical in obtaining success.
The point of this ‘story’ is to highlight the importance and the impact that ongoing personal development has on our lives.
All of us have the capacity to become extraordinary. The difference between those who achieve their dreams and those who don’t, is the ‘beliefs’ people have about their own abilities, the intentions they set and the lengths they go to, to give their ideas a tangible form.
Next time you’re wondering if ‘you can’, pay attention to ‘the story’ you’re telling yourself…
As Proctor said , thoughts become things. If you see it in your mind, you will hold it in your hands.
Are you ready to start your personal development journey? Drop me a message if so and watch out for the next ‘VIP’ seminar, coming soon.
Let’s connect when you’re ready to invest in your personal development.
You only get one life. You so deserve to get the life you wish for.
Love & Strong Coffee


The importance of state management

The importance of state management

The importance of state management
‘State management’ is one of the first techniques I teach my clients, both the children and the adults I work with. It’s probably amongst one of the most impactful tools they take away with them.
The state you adopt and operate out of is very much governed by the thoughts you cultivate, pictures you see and the stimuli you encounter. And of course, the way you:
🔎 perceive these events,
🔎 interpret these events,
🔎 and respond to them.
In effect, your state is mostly governed by the ‘stories’ you tell yourself. What’s more, there’s often more than one way of narrating that story.
What my clients find impactful is the fact that the first ‘story’ doesn’t always reflect the whole truth. It’s just a ‘first draft’ which is the way you’re interpreting the events based on years of conditioning and unconscious programming. It’s highly likely there’s a different version of what they currently ‘believe’ to be the truth.

But wait… I have great news?!

Old beliefs, habits of thinking and being are learnt, not innate! They can be replaced by more resourceful beliefs, habits and ways of being when you choose to be intentional in the results you’d prefer…
when you choose to:
✨ live a more connected life;
✨ a more peaceful life;
✨ a life where you respectfully and responsibly impact and influence your loved ones
✨ a life of less conflict and angst;
✨ a less reactive and volatile life.
So, next time you’re caught up in the cycle of overwhelm or chaos, ask yourself:
📚What’s the story I’m telling myself?
📚How else can I narrate this story?
Let’s connect when you’re ready for a life which is less reactive and more intentional.
You only get one life. You so deserve to get the life you wish for.
Love & Strong Coffee


Let life live through you Leeds Castle

Let life live through you

Let life live through you
“Try not to resist the changes that come your way. Instead, let life live through you. And do not worry that your life is turning upside down. How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come?” Rumi
Visiting Leeds Castle, aka ‘the loveliest castle in the world’ brought into my attention the amount of change this beautiful castle has endured in the last 900 years! And it’s still standing tall and proud.
It made me wonder… What needs to happen for more people to accept the wind of change?
We evolve as we journey through life. Our circumstances change. Our goals change. What served us in our 20s and 30s won’t necessarily serve us in our mid to late life.
And oftentimes, we find our true calling, our true direction as the wind of change sweeps through our lives.  
We have two options when that happens! To play the victim and ask ‘why me? Why is this happening to me?’ OR to remain flexible and curious and ask ‘what can I learn from this and how can I find a new direction?’  In reality, how often do you let life live through you?
That’s when working with a coach will help you generate new, positive and future focused solutions.
If you’re curious to explore working with a coach, drop me a message.
You have all the necessary ingredients inside of you to live a fulfilled life. You only get one life! It’s your birthright to get the life you wish for.
Happy Saturday everyone 🌻🌞🌻
Love & Strong Coffee


Life is like a gift

Life is like a gift
I came across this quote which truly brought tears to my eyes:  “Life is like a gift. You never get the one you really wanted.”
I passionately believe that the truth is this: You CAN get the LIFE you REALLY want!  It requires
🌱 effort and intention.
🌱 a good dose of courage and action.
🌱 an infinite mindset.
🌱 you to surround yourself with people who’ve been in your shoes and achieved what you want to achieve.
✨Those who can empathise and hold a space for you.
✨They can hold your hand throughout your journey and walk beside you.
✨Those who can have your back when the going gets tough.
By joining me on one of my executive retreats, you will be surrounded by like-minded people and given the opportunity to regroup, reflect, and start authoring your new life story.
And trust me when I say that you REALLY CAN get the life you wish for.  You have all the necessary ingredients inside of you to strive for that life.
When you join me on this retreat, you will discover the tools and techniques that will enable you to shift your mindset from starting your journey ‘ONE DAY’ to ‘This is DAY ONE’ of that beautiful life you’ve been dreaming of.
Life is like a gift.  Are you ready to live a life that’s more on your terms? Let’s talk
Love & Strong Coffee


retreat, VIP, coaching workshop, values,. identity, purpose, NLP

Reset your life

Reset your life
There’s never been a better time to step back, take stock, and reflect on your story so far.  To reset your life.  
If it’s not reading how you want it to, make a change! Seek a new perspective on life and be the author of your own story moving forwards.
The world we live in is going through a major reset! Now is the perfect time for you to reset your life too, so you create a life that’s more on your terms.
🔦Are you at a crossroads and can’t see the wood for the trees?
🔦Do you know in your core, that there is more to life than this?
🔦Have you ever wondered how much of your life you spend on autopilot?
🔦Have you achieved everything your idealistic self has wanted to achieve to date, and yet you feel unfulfilled?
🔦Is there a nagging voice inside of you saying, “ONE DAY I will do what I really LOVE to do?”
🔦Has the right time never come so every day feels like ground hog day?
If any of this resonates, then this luxury retreat is for you. Let’s have a conversation. Call me or drop me a message and I will call you back.
Love & Strong Coffee


do or do not there's no try

Do, or do not…  There’s no try

Do, or do not…  There’s no try
“Procrastination is the seed of self-destruction“ Matthew Burton
How aware are you of the language you use to narrate your story?
Do you know how self-destructive it can be both in the short and the long term when you don’t use resourceful language to communicate with yourself and others?
The “I will try”, “I’ll start tomorrow”, “when the circumstances change” kinda stories you’re telling yourself, are stopping you from taking useful action.

There are many causes of procrastination, some of which are:

🔸Fear of failure
🔸Poor time management
🔸Low self-esteem
🔸Low motivation
🔸Lack of direction
🔸Low self confidence
🔸Lack of knowledge
🔸Disconnection from self & others


What do you do when you want to create better habits to guide you in a positive, future focused direction?

🔹Understanding the language you use and how procrastination shows up for you are a good place to start.
🔹Getting someone to walk alongside you as you narrate a more beautiful story is another great starting point.

Even the most capable professionals and sports people have blind spots and benefit from working with a coach.  So next time you catch yourself saying ‘I’ll try” remember what Yoda said!  
Do, or do not…  There’s no try
If you’re curious and want to know more, give me a call.
Love & Strong Coffee
Allow space to reflect

Allow space to reflect

Allow space to reflect

“Between stimulus and response there is a space.  In that space is our power to choose our response.  In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”  Viktor Frankl
I often ask my clients to
✨ Stop
✨ Breathe
✨ Connect to their body
✨ Reflect
✨ Respond or evaluate!
So, this afternoon as I allow space to reflect and evaluate whilst working in my garden, I’m treating myself to a mini-version of the afternoon tea I so often took for granted BC (Before Covid).
On this beautiful Friday afternoon I’m grateful for the courageous steps I took to an uncertain world. “What’s the worse that could happen” was the mantra that kept me focused.
I’m also grateful for the team that supported me in my hour of need; although not always the ones I had counted on, but that’s how we get to know who our real friends are!

So, why write this post?

This post was inspired by listening to the radio interview I had with the lovely Zeenat Noorani in which I spoke about my Personal Revolution journey.  
Realising what I have now, seemed like a dream 5 years ago.  It is about looking back, only to see, and be grateful for how far I’ve come.
It’s purely to encourage and inspire those of you who are feeling ‘lost, numb, stuck, demotivated, unloved, lonely or whatever definition you give to a sense of stagnation and unfulfillment’ to spring into action.  Those of you who need a different path, or a new perspective.
If I could do it, so can you!  There’s a huge amount of value in giving yourself the permission to allow space to reflect.  That’s when you can connect with yourself and make a genuine inquiry as to what it is you want out of life.  That’s when you get a chance to be creative and dream…
It’s good to have a dream. How are you going to make that dream come true? How will you get to live the life you want and deserve? Who’s got your back?
Call me if you need listening ears ✨
You only get one life and you deserve to get the life you wish for.  As R. Buckminster Fuller reminds us, “The minute you choose to do what you really want to do, it’s a different kind of life.” 
Love & Strong Coffee

Look Back Only To See How Far You’ve Come

Look back only to see how far you’ve come
How much attention do you pay to your timeline? Those of you who know me are only too familiar with how I reminisce about our memories and shared experiences.
This morning I was thinking about when and how my transformation was accelerated in the right direction. All because of a long walk and talk in a beautiful Spa Hotel with a mentor I trusted and respected three years ago today.
I started to look at life with a different perspective. A lot of my values and deep-rooted beliefs were challenged. But during that walk, I could clearly see a future that was much more aligned with how I wanted to be and how I wanted to impact the world around me. That was day one of a new direction for me 💥
Perhaps that’s the reason I love, value and offer outdoor coaching and retreats as part of my offerings 🥰
And then Facebook reminded me of my activities this time last year… I started doing the ‘what’s your story’ video series a year ago. I remember how apprehensive I was as I held my phone in front of my face and pressed the record button.
We had just entered into a period of uncertainty due to Covid dominating social media and every conversation we had. We were trying to make sense of our stories.
And as uncomfortable as it was for me to speak to an object, I listened to the part of me that had a positive intention in spite of my fear of looking unnatural and serious as I spoke. And so, a new journey of personal growth and development started as I stepped out of my comfort zone.
It certainly took time to get used to smiling into the camera and being more like the real me on video.
My intentions were to keep connected as we were having to socially distance. I also wanted to inject a bit of calm into the frenzy that took hold of my social media timeline by raising awareness of how the stories we told ourselves impacted our mental health and wellbeing.
A year later, I’m more comfortable with speaking in front of a camera. Who knew I’d be recording content in a professional studio a year on?!
What’s the point of this story you ask? Well… experience shows that:
  • New experiences can seem more scary than they really are. Learning to silence the fear will motivate you into action.
  •  With practice and repetition, you can build new habits.
  •  You can do anything you set your mind to.
  •  Accepting that failure is a part of life increases your bouncebackability.
  •  Having an awareness that the fear you feel is intending to keep you safe, but at times, it’s standing in the way of your fulfilment.
  • Guilt is one of the biggest drivers in keeping you stuck. What will other people think of you if you don’t live according to their expectations may be playing a part in your decision making.
  • Perhaps you’re finding yourself overwhelmed by the number of options you’re generating and can’t think of how to move out of the overwhelm?
What may help you assess the situation…
  • Accepting that your first responsibility is to yourself and keeping yourself resourceful. Only then you’re in a position to take meaningful action and be the example, help and support you aim to be for others. Your children do what you show them, not what you tell them. What sort of an example do you set if you compromise on your values and demonstrate this to them?
  • Understanding that you will not please everyone, but you will have real impact on a few may give you the courage to stay on track.
  • Believing that you have all the necessary ingredients inside of you to live the life you want. Sometimes, you have blind spots and can’t see the wood for the trees. Working with a coach or mentor will help you see life with a different perspective.
Let’s face it; life is for living, not waiting for the circumstances to be right. Because before you know it, life has passed you by and you’re left with a list of ‘if onlys’.
What’s your story today? When is a good day to start living life on your terms? In the famous words of Paulo Coelho, are you still saying one day or will today be day one? You decide ✨✨✨
Call me when you’re ready to take a literal or a metaphorical walk and work through your limiting beliefs that are causing your blind spots. 
Love & Strong Coffee