Vafa Taleban, Personal development, VIP Seminar

What’s The Fuss About Personal Development?

What’s The Fuss About Personal Development?
RIP Bob Proctor, the author of ‘You Were Born Rich’
You may have wondered what the fuss about personal development is at some point or another, especially if it’s not something you’re inclined to invest in.  
As a lover of personal development, I was saddened to read about the passing of this legend and thought I’d give a brief account of his journey with the intention of inspiring those who may be intrigued about personal development.
One of the attendees to my last Saturday’s ’VIP’ seminar who is new to personal development commented at the end of the day ‘I now know what the fuss is about”. But that’s a story for another time…
Bob Proctor is one of the best known personal development ‘gurus’ and content creators of our time.  Growing up, Proctor had a poor self-image and was a college drop out with no great future ambitions.

And then…

He met someone who introduced him to Napoleon Hill’s ‘Think And Grow Rich’. This was reported to be the first book he ever read! As first books go, he couldn’t have read a better one, as most of the personal development lovers would acknowledge!
And from there on, his life took a turn for the better and he went on to accomplish what might have seemed like an unachievable dream to an ordinary person. To many, he became extraordinary.
He wrote a New York Times best-selling book, became an influencer and contributed to the film ‘The Secret’. He believed that a positive self-image & programming was critical in obtaining success.
The point of this ‘story’ is to highlight the importance and the impact that ongoing personal development has on our lives.
All of us have the capacity to become extraordinary. The difference between those who achieve their dreams and those who don’t, is the ‘beliefs’ people have about their own abilities, the intentions they set and the lengths they go to, to give their ideas a tangible form.
Next time you’re wondering if ‘you can’, pay attention to ‘the story’ you’re telling yourself…
As Proctor said , thoughts become things. If you see it in your mind, you will hold it in your hands.
Are you ready to start your personal development journey? Drop me a message if so and watch out for the next ‘VIP’ seminar, coming soon.
Let’s connect when you’re ready to invest in your personal development.
You only get one life. You so deserve to get the life you wish for.
Love & Strong Coffee


Posted in Coaching, Courage, Self Care, Storytelling, What's Your Story and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .

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