Allow space to reflect

Allow space to reflect

Allow space to reflect

“Between stimulus and response there is a space.  In that space is our power to choose our response.  In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”  Viktor Frankl
I often ask my clients to
✨ Stop
✨ Breathe
✨ Connect to their body
✨ Reflect
✨ Respond or evaluate!
So, this afternoon as I allow space to reflect and evaluate whilst working in my garden, I’m treating myself to a mini-version of the afternoon tea I so often took for granted BC (Before Covid).
On this beautiful Friday afternoon I’m grateful for the courageous steps I took to an uncertain world. “What’s the worse that could happen” was the mantra that kept me focused.
I’m also grateful for the team that supported me in my hour of need; although not always the ones I had counted on, but that’s how we get to know who our real friends are!

So, why write this post?

This post was inspired by listening to the radio interview I had with the lovely Zeenat Noorani in which I spoke about my Personal Revolution journey.  
Realising what I have now, seemed like a dream 5 years ago.  It is about looking back, only to see, and be grateful for how far I’ve come.
It’s purely to encourage and inspire those of you who are feeling ‘lost, numb, stuck, demotivated, unloved, lonely or whatever definition you give to a sense of stagnation and unfulfillment’ to spring into action.  Those of you who need a different path, or a new perspective.
If I could do it, so can you!  There’s a huge amount of value in giving yourself the permission to allow space to reflect.  That’s when you can connect with yourself and make a genuine inquiry as to what it is you want out of life.  That’s when you get a chance to be creative and dream…
It’s good to have a dream. How are you going to make that dream come true? How will you get to live the life you want and deserve? Who’s got your back?
Call me if you need listening ears ✨
You only get one life and you deserve to get the life you wish for.  As R. Buckminster Fuller reminds us, “The minute you choose to do what you really want to do, it’s a different kind of life.” 
Love & Strong Coffee

What’s Your Lesson Today?



“This being human is a guest house.  Every morning a new arrival.   A joy, a depression, a meanness.  Some momentary awareness comes, as an unexpected visitor.  

Welcome and entertain them all!  Even if they are a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture.  Still, treat each guest honourably.  

He may be clearing you out for some new delight.  The dark thought, the shame, the malice.  Meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.  Be grateful for whatever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond” Rumi


Found this beautiful and timely passage when I was looking through my library of inspirational quotes.  Most of us are going through a roller-coaster of emotions and this text says it all.  As always, we aren’t in control of the circumstances around us.  But we are in control of our responses to each circumstance.  

Next time you’re caught in the thick of it, ask yourself:  

“What is happening here?  What is ‘this’ trying to teach me?”  Take yourself away from your environment.  Concentrate on your breath.  Mindful breathing calms the nervous system.  You’ll be surprised at how much more resourceful you are at dealing with the situation at hand.  

It’s so important to honour every emotion, but not let them take control.  Being able to recognise and label the emotion is key to how it can be reframed

It’s vital to teach our kids a healthy mental resilience and be the examples they’d want to lead.  Discussing our thoughts and our feelings openly will give them permission to recognise and acknowledge their own emotions.  

I’ve been working with a number of school aged children, supporting them with their challenges. Reach out if you’d like a chat please.


Love and strong coffee
