Tag Archives: dream
Zigzag Trail Of Life
“We must be willing to let go of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”
Joseph Campbell
I came across this zigzag trail of beautifully hand painted stones on my walk earlier today. It depicted the path I’ve travelled on for the last few years. When I decided to throw myself into being an explorer whole-heartedly, I didn’t realise how many zigzags I’d face!
There were times when I faced so many obstacles that all I wanted to do was to hibernate like my favourite creatures, the hedgehogs. But that wasn’t an option. I had stepped beyond the point of no return and there was no looking back. And I soon learned that the more challenges I took on, the easier the decision to take more challenges became. It was as if I was building a new muscle I didn’t know I had!
Every time I faced another puzzle on my zigzag trail and decided to tackle it like my life depended on it, I found a hidden strength or a forgotten resource I hadn’t thought of before. Very often, a new mentor appeared on my path; literally from nowhere!
I persevered until I found my new path. My current reality. A reality that’s aligned with who I am, what I stand for and what I won’t tolerate. A reality that’s congruent to my core values.
And I found myself being the mentor for a younger version of me today. Someone who described what he was experiencing, and he took me back a few years. He showed vulnerability in sharing his story and found someone who’d been there. Exactly what I did back when I became an explorer. Who knows who this young man will inspire and mentor a few years down the line?
When the status quo isn’t leaving you fulfilled, what do you do?
When the call to adventure comes, you have two options:
💥You either choose courage and follow that call. When you do, you will connect with who you really are and what you stand for. You will sense a kind of ease and freedom in living your everyday life. You will become a better version of yourself and become more attractive inside and out.
💥Or you choose comfort and conformity and numb the pain by finding distractions in the form of work, food, alcohol and material possessions. You can be sure that you’re doing exactly as others want you to, and that you’re pleasing everyone else, but yourself.
If you choose courage, be warned! The path to finding fulfilment is not a straight one!
Finding this path isn’t for the faint hearted! Only enter if you’re willing to:
- become an explorer
- have your deep-rooted beliefs challenged
- step outside your comfort zone
- let go of certainty
- trust your intuition
- get out of your head and reconnect with your body
- have the courage to let go of your perceived security which in-fact is keeping you stuck!
- And most importantly…. Enter this path only if you trust yourself and are willing to trust the process…
If you’re wondering about the process, reach out and I’ll explain.
Love and strong coffee
Vafa x
You’re Never Too Old To Dream
“If you can dream it, you can do it.” Walt Disney
Love and strong coffee
Vafa x
Create Opportunities
“To hell with circumstances; I create opportunities.” Bruce Lee
I love this quote. I heard it and it resonated so deeply I had to share it!
When you start dreaming about a better future, hold onto that dream; make it bigger, better and brighter and walk towards it.
Don’t look for excuses to stop making progress and blame circumstances when the going gets tough. YES! Change isn’t easy, but well worth the discomfort in the long run.
Your unconscious mind is constantly looking for evidence to support your thoughts, your words and your feelings. It wants to ‘keep you safe’ by getting you to repeat the same unresourceful behaviour, and instead, it’s sabotaging your growth.
Your words become your world, and your thoughts become your actions. So, be mindful of creating excuses that are responsible for YOU standing in your own way of success, happiness and fulfilment.
When thinking about a better future, look for opportunities, not obstacles and laugh in the face of fear to keep the momentum going.
Does this quote resonate with anyone else? What’s your story?
This is a picture of me looking for opportunities of growth in every conversation.
Call me when you wish to create more opportunities
Love and strong coffee