The importance of state management
‘State management’ is one of the first techniques I teach my clients, both the children and the adults I work with. It’s probably amongst one of the most impactful tools they take away with them.
The state you adopt and operate out of is very much governed by the thoughts you cultivate, pictures you see and the stimuli you encounter. And of course, the way you:

In effect, your state is mostly governed by the ‘stories’ you tell yourself. What’s more, there’s often more than one way of narrating that story.
What my clients find impactful is the fact that the first ‘story’ doesn’t always reflect the whole truth. It’s just a ‘first draft’ which is the way you’re interpreting the events based on years of conditioning and unconscious programming. It’s highly likely there’s a different version of what they currently ‘believe’ to be the truth.
But wait… I have great news?!
Old beliefs, habits of thinking and being are learnt, not innate! They can be replaced by more resourceful beliefs, habits and ways of being when you choose to be intentional in the results you’d prefer…
when you choose to:


So, next time you’re caught up in the cycle of overwhelm or chaos, ask yourself:

Let’s connect when you’re ready for a life which is less reactive and more intentional.
You only get one life. You so deserve to get the life you wish for.
Love & Strong Coffee